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What’s going on with monkeypox?

A little-known disease called monkeypox – a virus related to smallpox but less severe – has been reported in the U.S., Canada, and other nations, health officials say. President Joe Biden on Sunday said an outbreak of the rare disease is a concern because “if it were to spread it would be consequential.” Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, told reporters the U.S. has vaccines “available to be deployed.”

Nearly a dozen countries are investigating “atypical” outbreaks of monkeypox. The U.S. has recorded two cases — in Massachusetts and in New York City. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the number of reported cases is above normal, but “the general public should not be concerned that they are at immediate risk for monkeypox.” And though the outbreak is considered serious, monkeypox won’t cause a national epidemic like COVID-19.

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