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San Antonio
Saturday, September 28, 2024

What a FAN!  Spurs super fan puts the Spurs flag on Mt. Fuji in Japan

Spurs fans are super fans who wear the jerseys of their favorite players.  Lines of traffic pour in the AT&T Center for Spurs home games where you will hear some of the loudest cheering for their beloved Spurs team.  Loyal isn’t the only word to describe Spurs fans, it is more like super die hard loyalty, so super that super Spurs fan Robert Browning showed his love for the team by visiting Mr. Fuji in Japan.

Browning set a goal for himself.  His goal wasn’t to make the team or get front row seats, rather he took up training.  Training that encompassed weeks of training and preparation to accomplish his goal- get to the top of Mt. Fuji and plant the Spurs flag.  

His dedication got the job done and the Spurs flag is now in Japan on the top of Mt. Fuji, somewhere a bit higher that the nose bleed seats anyone would jump at the chance to have.  For reference, Mt. Fuji, an active volcano, is located in Japan.  It peaks out at 3,776 meters with an elevation of 12,388 feet.

Browning stated, “We’re two and a half weeks out from the hike up to the summit, where I will plant the Spurs flag,” he said. “It’s going to be one of the most epic encounters I’ve ever done.”

Browning took to social media with his success as he reached the top of the mountain also admitting how ‘exhausted’ he was.  

We hope to see the Spurs highlight Browning during a season home game this year, he definitely earned it!

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