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Murder in the ‘Negotiable Degree’- Vote YES to Prop B on May 1st, Your Vote Can Save Lives

The nation, the world as a whole, is experiencing a racial reckoning. Will Derek Chauvin receive the judgment he deserves as the clear murderer of George Floyd? 10 miles down the street from the Chauvin trial, 20 year old male, Daunte Wright was murdered by Minnesota police Sunday night during a traffic stop sending the city into a mindset of hopelessness of being black.  Protests erupted as Minnesota and the world have said enough is enough.  Black people are done dying.  Black people are done being murdered by police.

San Antonio police are no exception, they have failed the black and brown community of our city. Marquise Jones, Antronie Scott, Charles ‘Chop’ Roundtree, Darrell Zemault Sr who were unarmed black men who woke up not knowing it would be the day they may have feared forever- the day they would be shot dead by police.  

What can you do?  How can you help change our system?  Repealing Chapter 174 – the state law that gives the union its collective bargaining power is on the table and needs your vote.  It begins locally, within our local city and county government.  Voting at the local level is where you shape the future of our entire nation.  You have that chance again on May 1st- your vote can save lives.  Literally- lives.

“It’s almost like San Antonio….and I guess everywhere that is voting on these measures has a huge responsibility to exercise the power to vote and change laws and policies.  If you care about human life, please get up and go vote for the prop” said Mary Casey, San Antonio resident. “We need to pass Prop B. It’s that simple.”

Fix SAPD, an activist group, worked tirelessly to add Prop B to San Antonio’s ballot May 1st. Prop B, if passed by voters, will allow for the repeal of the states local government code of police officers. Currently, the police contract ends Sep 30th.  The current contract would stay in place until Sep 30th this year even if Prob B passes.  

Former Mayor of San Antonio, Sec. Julián Castro is urging San Antonio voters to vote YES to Prop B.  In a 2 minute video, Sec. Castro stated:  “Like you, I have tremendous respect for our men and women of law enforcement. They do a tough job and they should be well compensated for it. I also believe- that you and your family- that all of us deserve accountability when bad officers cross the line. Here in San Antonio, we don’t have that. Our system of accountability is broken. In fact, 70% of SAPD officers the police chief fires have to be rehired because our accountability system is so bad. The worst rehire rate of bad officers in the nation.

Mayors and City Councils, your elected representatives, have tried to fix this for years. They couldn’t, but here’s the thing- by voting YES, on Proposition B, you can fix it. The people can fix it. It’s time for the people to have a voice in ensuring Public Safety accountability in San Antonio.

By voting YES, for proposition B, we’re supporting good faith negotiations between police and the people they serve. By voting YES, on proposition B, we’re choosing to hold officers accountable for misconduct and to build a safer community for everyone. I’m all for paying officers what they deserve, but accountability for bad officers doesn’t belong at the bargaining table.  When bad officers act out, they should face the consequences, and that should be non-negotiable.

So, join me in voting YES for a safer San Antonio for all of us. Vote YES for proposition B on May 1st.”

San Antonio voters will have their voices heard at the polls on May 1st when they vote on 

Prop B to repeal Chapter 174.  Go Vote, Save Lives.  

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