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Virtual Learning is here to Stay

Parents get involved

Hello SAISD Parents,

           This month I need all my seniors to meet with their advisors to make sure that you have passed all their classes and can graduate this June if you want to make sure that your ability to cross that stage this is an essential part of the process. So, if something needs to be done, now is the time to tie up all the loose ends.

    Next, let’s go over the idea of creating an online virtual academy that would become the new way our children will learn. This online academy is something that many school districts are considering to make it easier for everyone to include teachers. Now, this idea is one that could help or fail our children’s future education. This idea of creating online virtual learning is one that makes me wonder who will create all the lesson plans or will our school districts use Edgenuity, which is an online program that many uses now for a credit recovery program. So I began to research our current online Homeschool programs, and to my surprise, it seems that Texas is one of the 36 states with no laws or regulations on these online educational programs. This is due to a Texas Supreme Court case in 1994, which led to Home Schooled students are exempt from compulsory attendance, which can be found in Texas Education Code 25.086(a)(1). Thus this did lead to this three main focus, which is the following instruction must be bona fide (i.e., not a sham), Curriculum must be in visual form (e.g., books, workbooks, video monitor), and Curriculum must include reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and a good citizen. The only other rule is that if your child is currently enrolled at a Public school, a parent needs to submit a letter of withdrawal and let them know that the child will be attending a Home School program. Then you need to assure them that the Homeschool curriculum “is designed to meet basic goals including reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and a study of good citizenship.”  Texas has put too many laws in place on our public schools as they are now teaching online, making it more difficult for everyone. After researching all of these online homeschool platforms, my advice is that parents need to make sure that your child is getting the best education that will help them become a successful student. Lastly, keep in mind that all programs require a necessary 22 credits to graduate.

   It’s important to remember that our schools are trying to figure out how to help our children both academically and emotionally as they were trying to survive through this pandemic. Then we must remember that our teachers and school staff are putting their lives on the front line every day as they go back to their classrooms. So, as this idea evolves, we must make our voices heard by creating a community board with some input on this possible new online academy that will work. Parents, we must have a say in all educational decisions that affect our children. Lastly, as we move forward, we must try to find the best way to help our children through the difficulties they face from the lack of social interaction and some becoming depressed due to this new usual way of life due to a pandemic no one can understand. So, as we live day by day, we must teach our children how to do the same. I know that no one knows what the future holds for the next generation of students but let us help them through each part of the process.

 Parents if you have any questions or concerns please email me at lena.lopez@saobserver.com and until next week please keep wearing your masks and practicing social distancing.

Have a Blessed Week , Lena Lopez

Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://www.saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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