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According to Racists: Slavey was Only “Involuntary Relocation”

Racists are afraid of words that would destroy their white supremacy. They hate it when one talks about white supremacy, white racism, slavery and a host of other terms and words. This is why we need to use the words “Racist, White Supremacy, Slavery” and others in describing the horrors of a racist society. Racists at every turn try to sugar-coat the hatred that millions have suffered under. The mark of freedom in this country was race and it still leaves its ugly legacy behind in many forms. Racism dominated the mindsets of settlers from the very beginning of American history as the genocide of Native Americans clearly proves. The tactic of avoiding discussions about “race” is designed to erase people of color, women, and Native American contributions to this country. By not identifying the settlers as white, the game is set to falsely accuse those who want to tell the historical truth about the crimes of racism, of being racist themselves (called flipping the script). This is the shrewd calculation of those who have learned to fabricate the historical record. The central belief that maintains white racism, and central to “American Exceptionalism,” is that white people are superior to Blacks and they can thus interpret history from a racist point of view.

I use the words racist and racism quite a lot. The adjective/noun racist is not used enough and tends to be avoided unless one speaks truth to power. Bigots are really frightened of this word. Racist, racist, racist, racist! They love to sugar-coat horrors by calling slaves “servants” in efforts to hide their ugly history. The conservative melting snowmen are running all around trying to suppress the truth about racism, slavery, and white supremacy. We are all swimming in the waters of racism, enhanced by a slave trade based on skin color, and standing in the mud of the Enlightenment. What are the pillars of this poison? As Charles Mills pointed out (1997), it is the hidden nature of a racial contract to construct a white supremacist history and manipulative mechanism that goes with this formula. Trying to switch definitions for these horrors is a favorite tactic of those trying to whitewash history.

The vaccine for the virus of white supremacy is anti-racism and anti-racist education. The racism that shaped this country, and the struggle against it, is dismissed as if only whites can tell the stories of people of color. This, we will never accept. Manipulation of words is typical of the fake history being told by white supremacists . Also, using ambiguity, the framers of the U.S. Constitution allowed slavery to exist. The base structure of American society is racism. The underlying anchor that holds things together in favor of whites is this base racial structure that is matrixed in public policy and only jetsoned when it benefits its economic base. It exists as a matrix of words. policies, thoughts, actions, economic and political structures, in personal relations, in religious beliefs, in social interactions, and weaves a web that prescribes the outcomes of psychological stability.

Racism was synchronized with the education system to control the presence of Blacks. Racist education was used to strip away the dignity of generations and the State Board of Education is trying to enshrine white supremacist history. This was done to squeeze out the ethnic roots of society in order to expand white supremacist interpretations of history. It is in the hiding of the historical truths that racism is allowed to flourish in masked forms in America.

Mario Salas
Mario Salashttps://www.saobserver.com/
Professor Mario Marcel Salas is a retired Assistant Professor of Political Science, having taught Texas Politics, Federal Politics, Political History, the Politics of Mexico, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and International Conflicts. He has served as a City Councilman for the City of San Antonio, and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in SNCC for many years. He is also a life time member of the San Antonio NAACP. He has authored several editorials, op-eds, and writings.

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