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Know the name Trayvon. Know the name Mike. Eric. Tamir. Alton. And Philando. But what about the name Marquise?

Fernando Rover Jr.In response to not only Trayvon Martin’s case but rather the uncovering of the many cases of young African American males between the ages of 18-24 being gunned down. In the years that have followed, many of the cases appeared all over the United States, from New Orleans, Louisiana and Ferguson, Missouri.

April 6th, 2017.

The day the judge was going to reveal the verdict of the murder of Marquise Jones.

According to a 2017 SA Current article, Marquise Jones, 23, was fatally shot the night of February 28th, 2014, by San Antonio Police Officer Robert Encina. Encina claimed that he saw Jones wiggling around in his seat, assuming he was armed, following the statement with his claim he saw a silver revolver as Jones opened the passenger door and turned to run.

As he ran, Encina fired eight rounds, eventually hitting Jones in the back.

Three years later, Encina is acquitted and Jones remains dead and is mourned not only by the family and friends that knew him but the San Antonio community, many of whom were not even aware of his death even occurring.

Why didn’t Marquise Jones get any local coverage? Why didn’t he get any national coverage? How could many have been here this whole time standing with the people of New Orleans, Sanford, New York, North Carolina, and Ferguson when all this time this happened here in their hometown? What does that say about Black Lives mattering in San Antonio, Texas?

Marquise Jones was not the only case in San Antonio. There have been others. Many San Antonio citizens have become shocked and dismayed to discover so much violence and hatred in the place they call home.

San Antonio, Texas is not a predominately African American city. Rather, with Hispanic/Latino being the overwhelmingly higher race/ethnicity, African Americans populate minimal parts of the city. With the majority residing on the East side, this shocked them to the core. Many protests broke out and small groups convened to discuss the very nature of policing in a large metropolitan city like San Antonio.

District Attorney of Bexar County, Joe Gonzales, announced last Tuesday that he would be re-examining the death of Marquise Jones and would be in communication with the family during the process.

You know the name Trayvon. You know Mike. Eric. Walter. Tamir. Alton. Philando. Now you know Marquise.

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