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Vote! It’s Your Right!


Ballot BoxThe most basic right of a citizen in a democracy is the right to vote. Without this right, people can be easily ignored and even abused by their government. This, in fact, is what happened to African American citizens following Civil War Reconstruction. Despite the 14th and 15th amendments guaranteeing the civil rights of black Americans, their right to vote was systematically taken away by white supremacist state governments. The United States prides itself on being the world’s greatest democracy, but across our country, millions of people are denied the right to vote. More than half of all states require voters to show ID when they cast a ballot, yanking the most vulnerable in U.S. society from the electoral process.

 On Monday, September 13, 2020 a federal judge ruled that Texas’ electoral law, which requires voters to show photo ID before casting a ballot, intentionally discriminates against black and Hispanic voters. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, ethnic minorities, along with low-income, disabled and elderly voters, are less likely to have government-issued identification. “This is a good ruling that confirms what we have long known, that Texas’ voter ID law stands as one of the most discriminatory voting restrictions of its kind,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. This is a historical decision which came just in time for the November 5th elections.

Rise UpThe Texas ID law has been in place since 2011. In fact, when it was enacted it reminded many of the poll taxes, literacy tests, “grandfather clauses,” and “white primaries”. Those tactics did not stop blacks from registering and voting, intimidation often did the job. An African American citizen attempting to exercise his right to vote would often be threatened with losing his job. Denial of credit, threats of eviction, and verbal abuse by white voting clerks also prevented black blacks from voting. When all else failed, mob violence and even lynching kept black people away from the ballot box. The 1965 The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Johnson on August 6, suspended literacy and other tests in counties and states showing evidence of voter discrimination.

The 2020 elections could be our perfect storm for voting. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter, Defund SA Coalition, FIXSAPD, CCSA, Baptist Ministers Union, and others work to enact policies that improve the lives of blacks in San Antonio. They work to ensure that Black people in San Antonio have what all people deserve, dignity, safety, and power. That is why Gordon Benjamin, longtime Eastside activist, organized “PULL – UP THE VOTE” voter registration drive! Mr. Benjamin knows firsthand how the power of the vote can make change in our community. If you are not registered to vote, PULL UP to this event on Saturday, September 19th, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Redeeming Grace Church, 4500 N. Foster Road. Stay in your vehicle and register in comfort!

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