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San Antonio
Saturday, September 28, 2024

64% of High Schools Are In Violation Of Texas Voter Registration Law

Texas High-Schools Must Offer Voter Registration 2x A Year- Most Are In Violation

As the spring season nears an end and summer moves in, our community’s attention continues to be centered on the raising of the debt ceiling and the forthcoming 2024 campaigns, from the spring primaries, to nominations and then Fall elections.

Most of the broadcast, print and social media outlets, are paying quite a lot of their attention to what choices voters will have before them, as well as a broad range of issues.

Before that time arrives, We, The People must develop specific strategies that will produce positive results that we can be proud of and thoroughly enjoy.

Past behavior is often said to be the best predictor of future conduct. In both the 2020 general election and the 2022 midterms, young voters have been recognized as having been major contributors, in the outcomes of those two elections.

Presently, there’s been much attention being paid to our recent high school graduates, while those entering their final years haven’t drawn much attention, nor those who will reach 18, by election day. Now is the nearly perfect window of opportunity to increase voter registration, education and turnout, in every election in 2024.

There are, indeed, many resources and information in circulation, to aid Texas high school campuses in implementation of a Texas law which requires all high schools, both public and private, to offer voter registration to eligible students twice a school year. Recent reports have shown that at its peak, only 36% of Texas schools were fulfilling this promise and requirement since becoming law 35 years ago.

According to Common Cause, “Texas students deserve full access to their fundamental right to vote and a guarantee from their schools and their lawmakers that their rights are promised and protected.

My motto has always been twofold:

If You Want to Change Laws, Change Lawmakers.
If You Want To Change Policies, Change Policymakers.

Gordon Benjamin
Gordon Benjaminhttp://www.saobserver.com
Gordon Benjamin is a Community Activist, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Member and Voter’s Rights advocate who is passionate about democracy.

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