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San Antonio
Saturday, September 28, 2024


Texas Education is Failing Our Students with Bare Bones Funding 

Hello SAISD Parents,

This week our Texas Legislation will begin by going over the 1,200 bills filed by the House and 300 by our Texas Senators. Not all of these bills are about education, but there are a few and possibly more to come because our politicians have until March 10th to file new bills. The more significant issue is that our Texas Governor and Lt. Governor have $30 billion in extra state surplus; now the question is, what will they use this money for when it comes to education? So far, they have talked about cutting tax cuts for homeowners and possibly giving current and retired teachers a pay raise. They feel that the pandemic is behind us and have stopped looking at improving the internet services. The idea of helping our schools, children, and the entire educational system is the last issue on their agenda.

Our Texas Governor, Gregg Abbot, is using the Texas law called the Disaster Act of 1975, which gives him the right to take control of our local and state Texas laws. Now, the question is what is considered a Disaster which could be a hurricane, fire, or other natural acts of disaster. When the pandemic hit Abbott used this law to regulate state and local laws which were okay at some point. Today, the Governor is renewing his authority every 30 days to take control and claims the disaster we face today at the border with illegal immigration issues. Each time he has continued this act, he has managed to take funds from other state programs and push them toward the border. 

As of today, the Governor now has over $1 billion in funds that will be used to help pay for the National Guard, Border Portal, and anything necessary to help take control of the border. Yet, our educational system should be considered a natural disaster because, due to the pandemic, our children fell in their essential reading and math subjects. It’s sad that this extra money may not go to the right programs to help our children, teachers, and schools. The idea that our Governor will give more money to the border makes me wonder what will happen to our children. As the 88th legislation begins, we will see if he will make educational advocates again beg for the money they need to help our children.

I will keep you updated on any new laws passed during the legislation.

If anyone has questions or concerns please email at lena.lopez@saobserver.com

Have a Blessed Week, Lena Lopez

New laws filled this Week:

As of today, Texas representatives have filed over 1,200 bills, and senators have filed over 300 bills. Hundreds of these bills relate to public education, and we expect hundreds more by the time bill filing ends on March 10th. A few bills filed are listed below: 

• HB 770 by Alma Allen (D-Houston) would provide an across-the-board step increase plus $400 to all certified educators.

• HB 1115 by Ana Hernandez (D-Houston) and HB 1137 by Armando Martinez (D-Weslaco) would tie TRS annuities to inflation.

• HB 301 by Glenn Rogers (R-Graford) would provide a 6% TRS cost-of-living adjustment capped at $100 per month for all TRS members who retired before August 2021.

• SB 193 by Borris Miles (D-Houston) would require schools to alert parents if a school has no on-campus nurse.

• HB 991 by Terry Meza (D-Dallas) would establish a $15 minimum wage for school bus drivers.

• HB 977 by Gary VanDeaver (R-New Boston) would create a commission to improve current assessment and accountability systems.

• HB 342 by John Bucy (D-Round Rock) would provide full-day Pre-K to 3- and 4-year-olds.

Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://www.saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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