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San Antonio Police Officers’ Association Unchecked

        The San Antonio Police Officers’ Association (SAPOA) has protected criminal and abusive cops for years with no end in sight as they are not going to agree to fix their lopsided contract with the city.   During the election to curb their abusive contract they used “Back the Blue” vigilantes to threaten protestors and voters. They lied to the people about the election being an effort to “defund” the police and lied about everything this crooked organization could think of. The lied and said the FIXSAPD group was anti-police, they used police in uniform to violate elections laws, they lied when they said they would fix the discipline sections of their contract-LIES, LIES, LIES! Things are only going to get worse with a police association that is totally out of control. The “Back the Blue “vigilantes are an ancillary force to shore up the well-known fact that bad cops with SAPD have abused hundreds in San Antonio and police unions have gotten them off through a contract that allows them to abuse the public. Most recently a black jogger has sued SAPD offices that arrested him while he was “jogging while Black.” 

          The Back the Blue vigilantes used a flag that was carried by rioters at the Capitol in Washington, DC and is made up of ex-police officers and extremists from racialized organizations. These extremists have infiltrated the “Internal Affairs” departments with people that are part of the problem. When citizens call to make a complaint the very first thing the do is try to talk you out of filing a complaint and then in liar style claim that are not doing just that. Don’t buy it –FILE THE COMPLAINT. When police were given collective bargaining rights in the 1960s, they headed straight to the discipline sections of their contract to police themselves. Specifically, these collective bargaining contracts have been used to justify abusive force against people of color. There many cases in San Antonio where people have died in custody while under the control of SAPD, yet nothing is done and the police union protects them before it can even go to a Grand Jury. Since the SAPOA will not change its disciplinary rules, the voters must decertify their association. History has shown that they have no intention of removing bad cops from employment.

         This is the reason why the names and faces of these bad officers must be publicized and if stop by cops that have called Black people the “N” word, or any other racist term used against people of color, call 911 to create a record that a racist cop is pulling you over. At this time the police association will most likely get the corrupt contract they have in force that allows them to use arbitrators usually white men, who will deliver a ruling that favors the bad cop. The police association even went so far as to float a ludicrous proposal of awarding bad cops with a promotion. The San Antonio Coalition for Police Accountability (SACPA) and the ACT4SA group is preparing the needed work to massively expose these bad cops that are menacing San Antonio. They will be made infamous. Keep in mind the police association will use sell-outs to continue the lies they are so good at. We support the good officers that have turned in the bad ones and will expose those that the police association wants to keep hanging around. Eventually, we will need an election once again to remove their abusive contract. It will come for sure under these circumstances.

Mario Salas
Mario Salashttps://www.saobserver.com/
Professor Mario Marcel Salas is a retired Assistant Professor of Political Science, having taught Texas Politics, Federal Politics, Political History, the Politics of Mexico, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and International Conflicts. He has served as a City Councilman for the City of San Antonio, and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in SNCC for many years. He is also a life time member of the San Antonio NAACP. He has authored several editorials, op-eds, and writings.

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