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SAISD begins 2nd nine weeks of school while remaining at Level 2

Hello SAISD Parents,

     As of this week, students have completed the first nine weeks of school. This week will be the beginning of the second nine-week grading period. SAISD will continue to stay in the level 2 range which means that no more than 25% of our students can physically go to school.  This means that our district will only bring back certain students that need that extra help.  If you feel that the SAISD safety protocol will keep your child safe from the virus, you might choose to have them return to school. Parents, if you still would like for your child to learn remotely, then you have the right to choose that option. I know that these decisions aren’t easy, for any of us, because there are still many unanswered questions about the COVID-19 virus. I want all of my parents to know that you must decide what’s best for your child and not the school.

The choice was made by SAISD and TEA that our teachers are to teach both in person and via zoom simultaneously. So, parents please understand that our teachers and staff are working overtime with no volunteers nor extra help. All of this can add to an overwhelming amount of stress for our teachers, staff, and students. I truly understand that we’re stressed out and desperate to find a way to ensure that our children get a quality education during this pandemic. But, know that you’re not alone as we’re all walking together to find the right path to ensure the safety, education, and mental health for all SAISD students as well as our teachers and ourselves as we wear many hats as parents right now.

Let’s give a big shout out to our SAISD teachers and staff; we appreciate your time and effort you give to all of our children both in person and via zoom. I would also like to say that it’s been challenging to find a way to get around the traditional teaching methods without books, paper, or other resources. Yet through your creativity, you have found ways to teach our children, and you’re doing a fantastic job despite it all.

Lastly, please remember to wear your mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands, and be kind to one another because we’re all going through some hard times.  If anyone has questions or concerns, please contact me at lena.lopez@saobserver.com.

Have a Blessed Week,


Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://www.saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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