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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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SAISD Contest

Last week our students were taking their STAAR’S tests at their schools. Due to some technical issues, some students have to return to school to take the test over. As we are getting closer to the school coming to an end, all of our students must complete all of their work to ensure they pass all their classes. So, at this point, I need all of our seniors to contact their school counselor to make sure that they have completed everything to ensure they can graduate this year.

I, too, would like to remind my Sam Houston Seniors that were still looking for someone to write a short story or poem so they can be entered into our contest; the last day to submit is April 16th. The winner will receive a $50 Visa gift card, and their story or poem will be published in the paper. Seniors, we want to know what has your last year of school be like due to the pandemic.

 Then this year, we know that graduation parties will be small due to the pandemic and that our seniors are only allowed to invite two people to their graduation ceremony that will take place in the Alamo Stadium; this all due to the pandemic. Parents, please let all your family and friends know that the graduation will be on YouTube live, so this will give everyone a chance to watch their loved one cross the stage. If anyone misses it, you can go back and watch it later because all graduations are recorded and can be found on YouTube. I know that this is a stressful time for all of us and even more so for our seniors, but we must keep moving forward and focus on finally graduating. With your help, parents know that all of our seniors will make it across that stage this year.

   Lastly, Seniors at Sam Houston, please enter the contest so we can get a better understand of how it’s been for you and how you have been coping with this new way of learning. I want all of you to know that by entering this contest, your helping future Hurricanes. The stories or poems can only be no more than 500 words, and if you would like to remain anonymous, we can print them without your name. Seniors were giving you a chance to tell the community and the district what you went through this year.

   Please wear your mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands because these small things can save lives. If anyone has any questions or concerns please email me at lena.lopez@saobserver.com

Have a Blessed Week, Lena Lopez

Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://www.saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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