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Reading is Fundamental to Mental Health

Reading novels develops our social brain

Reading fiction, it turns out, is a great way to develop your social brain. Research shows that reading novels, for example, shapes our brains and molds our social skills.  A study by Keith Oatley and Raymond Mar found that reading fiction improves your ability to connect with others.

The study demonstrated that people who read fiction perform better on tests of empathy. This result held up even when they controlled for the variable that empathetic people might naturally choose to read fiction.  The study found that the more fiction a person read, the stronger the ability to make mental models of others.

Another study in 2010 found that children who are exposed to lots of fiction material possessed a stronger ability to read the brain states of others. In 2009, in another study, Oatley found that adults who read novels improved their socials skills, including emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and extroversion.

Why does this happen?

Mental Health and Reading
Benefits of Reading and Mental Health

It seems that reading fiction allows you to “live in other people’s brains”. The result is a

stronger theory of mind. That is, the ability to take the perspective of another, to understand that person’s mental model, to see issues and ideas in terms of other people’s experiences.

Think about these practical benefits:

  • Better relationships
  • Improved leadership skills
  • Increased collaboration skills
  • Greater emotional intelligence – greater income (P. Salovey, Yale)
  • Excellent, inexpensive entertainment
  • A greater understanding of human character
  • When you put the book down, you are better prepared for the world

Remember – your brain is wired to see what is essential, not what is real. Reading fiction intervenes in your cognitive processes. It can even change your personality.  FMRI scans show the brain responding to fiction as if the reader were feeling and acting just like the characters.

I used to feel slightly guilty when reading a novel. Thinking I should be reading something “real”. Not anymore.  I have read all eight Harry Potter books twice, every Sherlock Holmes novel and most Stephan King books.  Reading has helped me tremendously.

Congratulations on learning something about your brain today.  Always remember: “You are a genius!” Enjoy your brain.

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