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Preparation is Key

This week, all students currently in the 9th grade or any student who needs to retake an EOC’s to graduate know that English 1 is on Tuesday, April 6th, English 2 – Thursday, April 8th. All students must report to their campus to take these tests, and they must bring their Chromebooks fully charged. Also, all students need to be on campus by 8:30 am because testing begins at 9 am. Parents, make sure that your child goes to bed early so they are fresh and awake to take their tests. If anyone suffers from test anxiety, remember to take a deep breath, take your time to go over each question, and don’t second guess yourself. Lastly and most important, banish all the negative thoughts because this can cause you more anxiety.

Now here are some ways to help you pass these English tests. If you’re allowed to write the essay first, then please do this because if you can make a high score, it gives you a better chance of passing the test. Next, do the READING SECTION! Why, you ask? Because it takes the most concentration to write an essay, which is why you should do that first. It requires A LOT of concentration– sometimes those sections get tedious. RE-READ if your attention starts to drift

 Then read carefully and USE YOUR ANNOTATIONS. Underline keywords/phrases, make comments and connections. If something seems important, put a marker next to it.

When you finish reading the selection, move on to the questions. Remember that these STAAR’S tests usually give you four options to choose from when answering the questions.. Now remember that you can you ALWAYS ELIMINATE ONE right off the bat– because it doesn’t  sound right or dose not match with the story. Next look for the answer that seems sort of right but remember there is a minor detail that is wrong so now your down to 2 answers. Once you’ve narrowed it down to 2, go back to the reading section and try to “prove” which answer is correct. Now, do the editing last this is an essential part of the test, but then again, the entire test is important, but this area requires the most minor focus and concentration. If you need a dictionary, please ask for one to get a better understanding of a word or words. Please ask if you can take a break, if possible, and stay focused on your tests. Lastly, take your time because this test has three parts to complete, and all students have at least five hours or longer to take these tests. I hope that these tips will help all SAISD students pass their English and Reading tests. Seniors who have to retake these EOC’S to graduate remember to trust yourself and don’t second guess your answers. Remember, that these tests are all about practicing the process of elimination. Good luck to all of our SAISD students, and remember to get a goodnight’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and take a deep breath so that you can remain calm.

Please know that when you go to your home campus, you need to wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands. Be safe, Stay Calm, and take your time.

  If anyone has any questions or concerns, please email me at lena.lopez@saobserver.com.

Good Luck and Be Blessed, Lena Lopez

Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://www.saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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