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Practiced Lies and Questions SAPOA Uses

          Here are the trick questions that the San Antonio Police Officer’s Association tries to ask the Vote FOR Prop B workers at polling sites: The first question they ask is “Are you from Here?” They asked this because the Police Association, not a union, made the false claim that FIXSAPD was from out of town. All of the FIXSAPD founding leaders are from San Antonio, but this question is really none of their business for sure, but they are trying to follow up if you say no, with some comment that you don’t know about San Antonio. They will then lie and say San Antonio does not have a problem with police abuse like other cities. The problem here is that they hide it in the contract that is designed to sabotage accountability. One response I use is that “the arbitrators SAPOA uses to keep bad cops employed are from out of town.” The arbitrator they used to get TIM GARCIA OFF THE HOOK FOR CALLING A BLACK MAN THE “N” word was a RACIST, and 53% of SAPD officers don’t live in San Antonio (are from out of town) and can’t even vote in this election.

          The next  prepared question or comments SAPOA is practicing at their office on LOOP 410 is to claim that if we want stop SAPOA from giving money to City Councilpersons then we need to vote the that council out. My response, OK, then let’s call a press conference together were SAPOA agrees to give them no more money and that is must easier to do. Another comment they use when their arguments fall short is that they will lose benefits, but that is untrue. Proposition B is concerned with their contract in regards to discipline not benefits. Sometimes they engage to keep you from talking to voters. So, look around, for voters and just say excuse me, and engage the voter with VOTE FOR PROP B.

          When they say that “there are not that many bad cops” refer to the Attorney General’s Office Data that shows that SAPD cops killed over 100 unarmed people over a 10 year period and point out that officer Robert Encina shot Marquise Jones in the back and claimed he had a gun, but the gun found had no prints on it suggesting that it may have been a “Throw Down Weapon” that Officer Encina keeps for bad kills. He is also been in other trouble but is still

patrolling the streets. When they ask if you support “Defunding” the police, tell them NO before they even ask. When they say they are negotiating to remove the bad clauses in Articles 28 and 29–outright lie. Tell them to do that tomorrow if that is true otherwise the negotiations are a sham and the comment is a lie. You might mention that uniformed officers are using their city funded patrol cars to deliver water to their poll workers as caught on camera which is an election code violation. Report any patrol car setting at any polling site.

     The election is Saturday, May 1, 2021, this week. The election is about our civil rights, accountability, and making sure bad cops are removed from SAPD. This election is one of the most important in San Antonio history and all of us must head to the polls in record numbers to VOTE FOR PROPOSITION B. If nothing else this tell you how they are trained to lie. Many Black and Brown people have been abused and BLACK LIVES AND BLACK VOTES MATTER.

Mario Salas
Mario Salashttps://www.saobserver.com/
Professor Mario Marcel Salas is a retired Assistant Professor of Political Science, having taught Texas Politics, Federal Politics, Political History, the Politics of Mexico, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and International Conflicts. He has served as a City Councilman for the City of San Antonio, and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in SNCC for many years. He is also a life time member of the San Antonio NAACP. He has authored several editorials, op-eds, and writings.

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