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Police Association Still Protecting Bad Cops

Remember when the police association (SAPOA) said that we should not take their corrupt collective bargaining agreement to a vote (which they barely won), and said that they would negotiate the bad discipline articles out of their contract that benefits bad cops? Well, they are still stalling and trying to keep abusive cops roaming the streets of San Antonio. The San Antonio Police Officer’s Association lied during the election and cannot be trusted to tell the truth about much of anything. Even now they are refusing to allow solid evidence to discipline officers and are attempting to require the city to use a 51% rule “preponderance of the evidence” to provide protection for bad cops rather than a criterion that would show the hard evidence and the harm done to the community.

This is why a rally for justice is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, 2021 at Travis Park beginning at 10:30 AM. The police association cares nothing about the welfare of the citizens in regards to keeping cops that use the “N” word against black citizens or those that have violated the rights of citizens. They would rather set up basketball games in the community as a publicity stunt to avoid public pressure! There are hundreds of cases of police abuse in San Antonio that their collective bargaining agreement has covered up. Here is a small sample: “WHEREAS, SAPD Officer Matthew Belver was indefinitely suspended effective March 25, 2010; The San Antonio Police Department agrees to reduce the Indefinite Suspension issued to Officer Matthew which was based upon findings of misconduct after an investigation into incidents set out in the letter of indefinite suspension. The San Antonio Police Department, as part of the agreement, will reduce the punishment in said suspension to a 30-day suspension.”

Detective Leroy Medlin, Jr.: “When a supervisor asked over the radio if Detective Medlin had anything else on the vehicle, Detective Medlin advised him that the driver “almost ran me over.” The Administration alleges the Body Worn Camera and Cohan videos do not depict Detective Medlin being in any danger of being run over by the truck as it sped away. The Administration further alleges that Medlin was not truthful when he advised the dispatcher and supervisor that the driver almost ran him over.”

These are just a few of the hundreds of bad cop complaints that the SAPOA treats with friendly faces. When officers violate the human and civil rights of citizens, they are protected by a rotten disciplinary process that has allowed bad cops to stay hired or move on to another city to menace the public there. In many of the cases the officer is just given a few days suspension and allowed to break the law again with out any real punishment that would convince them not to violate rules again. One victim received threatening messages from her ex-boyfriend, Detective Emanuel Keith, Jr. She provided the test messages and voicemails sent to her by Detective Keith. The text messages read I’ m going to end you,” “Dead bitch soon” and “Die bitch die.” Detective Keith’s voicemails stated “Your whole world is going to blow apart.” “I could just string you up and shake the life out of you.” “I could really choke the life out of you.” Where is this cop now?

The proposition that would have ended their tyrannical rule failed- but barely, and citizens want to challenge their abusive contract again soon. In the meantime, the names of bad police officers will be published to the max. 

Mario Salas
Mario Salashttps://www.saobserver.com/
Professor Mario Marcel Salas is a retired Assistant Professor of Political Science, having taught Texas Politics, Federal Politics, Political History, the Politics of Mexico, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and International Conflicts. He has served as a City Councilman for the City of San Antonio, and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in SNCC for many years. He is also a life time member of the San Antonio NAACP. He has authored several editorials, op-eds, and writings.

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