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Police Association Expects to Win: One Lie After Another

The San Antonio Police Association (SAPOA) Expects to Win—One Lie after Another. The lies they are using to fool the public into voting against Proposition B are many and we can expect a bushel of new ones now that early voting has started  and headed toward the May 1st city election. One lie that that has gotten a few brainwashed black patrolmen to repeat is that those that are supporting Proposition B are in favor of “defunding” the police. This trick has been pulled out of their playbook, as is one that Trump used to condemn the black lives matter movement. Another bald-face lie that SAPOA is sloshing around is that those who are supporting justice and opposed to police brutality are somehow “anti-police.” We have heard all of this before when the KKK was opposed to peaceful protestors during the days when Martin Luther King.

          Another lie that has conspired to tell is that San Antonio is not like those other “bad cities” in terms of police brutality. Is this true? No, and here is why. The SAPOA contract with the city is designed to hide abuses and criminal conduct by police officers. We has an SAPD officer call a black man the N-word over and over again and they that officer, Tim Garcia< elected to let an arbitrator decide his case after he was fired. The arbitrator was a racist himself and ruled that the cop was just having a “bad day.” Another officer, Lee Rakun was fired 6 times for domestic violence, racial slurs, and harassment, and rehired with this corrupt contract. Astoundingly, he was allowed to retire. The data is there for all to see but the association is using minority officers to carry their racist water by sending them into community with the battery of lies that have been told to bark.

          There is more verifiable data that was released from the Attorney General’s Office that shows that over 100 unarmed civilians were killed by SAPD officers in the period from 2010 to 2020. We know how this contract was able to get Matthew Luckhurst, known as the “dog poop cop” was released from criminal liability and allowed to remain on the force because he claimed it was just a “prank,” but was later fired for smearing the women’s restroom with what appeared to be feces. Some of these cops are still roaming the streets and this is why we must vote in favor of Prop B to remove a sick police association contract that protects bad cops. San Antonio is just as bad as any other city, but because of this contract they can hide their crimes. Another lie that passes around is the one of the most absurd. They claim, “Cops are going to quit their jobs” if the voters approve the proposition. Hogwash! Those leaving are the ones retiring and going to others jobs which are something in the works unrelated to the ballot measure.

          Proposition B is on the ballot because over 20,000 people signed a petition to put it there. Those that signed were elected officials, police, ministers, union members, teachers, seniors, youth, women, and others. The community can have a voice and voting yes on this will allow the community to do so. San Antonio has the worst rehire rate of bad cops in the country and if this ballot measure fails it will be in part to the buckets of lies that SAPOA has drowned us with. Bottom Line-VOTE YES PROPOSITION B

Mario Salas
Mario Salashttps://www.saobserver.com/
Professor Mario Marcel Salas is a retired Assistant Professor of Political Science, having taught Texas Politics, Federal Politics, Political History, the Politics of Mexico, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and International Conflicts. He has served as a City Councilman for the City of San Antonio, and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in SNCC for many years. He is also a life time member of the San Antonio NAACP. He has authored several editorials, op-eds, and writings.

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