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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Omicron and SAISD

SAISD has purchased 250.000 KN-95 masks

We have had a significant increase of positive cases this past month due to this new variant. The variant seems to be affecting the younger children between 5-11 years old. At this time, hospitals are seeing more children coming in with a combination of flu and the new Omicron variant, which is causing many of our schools across the nation to include Texas, to shut down. Then our schools are trying to find someone to cover different classes as our teachers and staff call in because they are now testing positive with this new virus. So across the nation, we have seen superintendence, principals, and other office staff step up and teach different classes, which has led our schools to have more lessons in our auditoriums to teach all students in one class at one time. Then in recent national news, some schools are calling upon parents to help teach classes or work in the office and our cafeterias. So now we’re seeing our entire educational system fall back again, which will put our children further behind in all their classes. The more significant issue is that we’re losing teachers due to retirement, or they’re quitting due to exhaustion, stress, and the fear of getting sick. Then, of course, HB 4545 requires all students that didn’t pass the STAAR’S tests last school year are required to receive 30 hours of tutoring before or after school, or it needs to be embedded in their curriculum throughout the day. This House Bill is causing our schools more stress as they are trying to teach our children their normal classes every day. Then for all those children that passed their STARRS tests they are receiving extra help with their academics along with preparation for college by getting ready for their SAT’s and ACT’s. So with this combination of trying to meet the state requirement’s this is causing everyone an overwhelming amount of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion.

   Now to make matters worse, our Governor Greg Abbott is running once again and has made it his mission statement that he will not require our Texas schools to wear a mask when at school. But, I have some great news our SAISD teachers and their Teachers Union persuaded SAISD to purchase 250,000 KN95 masks for their students, teachers, and staff. Parents, according to the CDC, these masks can be worn for five days and offer better protection from this new virus.

   Lastly, I know that there’s a lot of controversies about whether children should be vaccinated, which I understand because we live in a time of fear. But, unfortunately, this new variant has worsened this pandemic for all of us, so we must review all the information and do what’s best for our children and family. It’s understandable that all are skeptical about this vaccine as the CDC and pharmaceutical companies are constantly changing the number of times we need to be vaccinated or receive a booster. Then the CDC has said that we no longer need to quarantine for 10 days instead we only to quarantine for 5 days, so all this information is a lot to process for everyone yet at some point, we need to find a way to break it down so we can do what’s best for our families.

  I hope that all of my SAISD families are well and if you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me at lena.lopez@saobserver.com.

Have a Blessed Week, Lena Lopez.

Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://www.saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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