A big criminal cover-up is in force through a police contract that must be dismantled. The corrupt leadership of the San Antonio Police Officers Association (SAPOA) is engaged in a massive cover-up, hiding the crimes of abusive and racist police officers through their association contract with the city. According to the Marshall Project, in the “The Thin White Line,” police can cover up and hide criminal behavior and are racist. The report says, “Police unions are a prime obstacle to meaningful police reform—and they are overwhelmingly run by white men. That is true even in police departments that are a majority black, a new analysis by The Marshall Project found. Polls have found that black officers are far more likely than white officers to say that blacks have not won full equality and more likely to believe that protests are at least in part about police accountability.”
In San Antonio, Mike Helle, the head culprit of the corrupt SAPOA contract, announced he is retiring after years of getting rotten criminal police officers rehired, helping to make San Antonio number one in the United States for getting abusive and racist police officers rehired. This association is a danger to decent police
officers and more importantly to the citizens of San Antonio. Black and His
panic officers are being referred to with racial slurs and this association, through its aggressive protection of corrupt police officers, has contributed to over 123 deaths of people that have died while in SAPD police custody over a 10-year period, most of who were people of color. Mr. HELL is reported to be resigning. However, we need to be watchful that they don’t try a fast one by trying to appease people with a person of color taking his place and still doing the same rotten things.

This corrupt and criminal set up, called a contract, hides the past records of abusive and racist police officers and there are claims that racist cells of police officers exist in the SAPD. According to their contract they can make a complaint go away by inserting a 180-day limit on the time a complaint can be brought forward. They can hide past abusive behavior by refusing to allow records of past abuse, after a short period of time, to be used in a current violation of conduct. They can walk away from changes that could be proposed by city officials by invoking the “Evergreen Clause, “which allows the current contract to remain in force for 8 years, thus being allowed to refuse honest negotiations to change the brutal criminal contract that they have now. We need a real civilian review board that can fire abusive officers and send serious complaints straight to the District Attorney for prosecution. Tear gas and injurious projectiles against peaceful protesters must be banned as well as choke holds and knees to suffocate.
The Police Chief is mostly powerless because as soon as he fires an abusive officer they can have that officer rehired through arbitration.
This is the most corrupt mafia-styled contract in the United States. Additionally, this contract is nothing less than a criminal enterprise which allows them to buy off city council members with campaign contributions. This association leadership should be investigated by the FBI for using a criminal contract to control the disciplinary process. This so-called union needs to be dismantled and re-organized so that their power to get brutal, racist, and criminal police officers rehired is curtailed. They are the main problem in our city and the Movement will not stop until this contract is dismantled.