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Local Designer, Tre Andrews, Heads to New York Fashion Week

Tre Andrews, San Antonio Local, Takes His Monxark Clothing Brand to New York City Fashion Week 2020…

Many people are feeling overwhelmed while having a hard time focusing on themselves, and self-health, during a worldwide pandemic not to mention the Black Lives Matter Movement.  Your average neighbor will find it hard to find pleasure in a lot of areas when something is happening so big in history.  But, good things are still happening, and good loving people are still around us.

Take Tre Andrews.  San Antonio local who is now heading to New York Fashion Week 2020.  A 24-year-old college student at Tamusa, Tre had an opportunity to have his first fashion line release debut during this year’s New York Fashion Week.  Monxark (pronounced ‘monarch’ like the butterfly) gives a meaning of a sovereign head of state, especially a king, queen or emperor. Tre’s main objective with his brand that a butterfly is not only a feminine image.   His mood for his release is ‘Lovesick’ which he says, “creates a grunge style but empowerment to the brand and clothing as well.”

Monxark Clothing

Interviewer: Where did you attend high school? 

Tre: I attended Wakeland Highschool in Frisco TX. During this time, I started experimenting with my creativity, From Photography, Graphic design, photoshop, and fashion. With no real guidance or support I was kind of all over the place with finding an outlet for creativity. I joined an art class to try and find that outlet and little did I know joining that class would have changed my life. I had a teacher I will never forget named Cristen Garza. She saw the creativity that I didn’t see within myself and nurtured that in full support. I started joining art shows and so forth. That was a major staple in my life. The smallest decisions we make can have a lasting impact.

Interviewer: Where were you born and raised?

Tre: I was born and raised in Columbus Georgia, I moved to Texas because my mom was in the military.  I spent a big portion of my childhood in accounting office’s learning more about accounting and business than I did being a kid. Being in the element of business men and women on a daily basis inspired me to pursue business in every aspect. Since I couldn’t work for anyone at my young age I wanted to invent things and become an inventor.  I spent a vast majority of my adolescence destroying electronics trying to remake things into “inventions” (haha) but wasn’t so great at it. My next idea was to start businesses and that was the spark that clicked for me at a young age. 

Interviewer: What did you plan to do after high school, was this always your goal? 
e: My plans for after high school was to go to college. I didn’t know where I wanted to go.  I just needed to leave Dallas, I explored places all over Texas. I didn’t want to go too far and at the same time not be too close either. I saw that Texas A&M university was opening a 4-year degree program and wanted to hop on that!  So, I applied and got accepted into the school of business. I felt as though that would open a lot of opportunities and also help build traditions within campus. During my sophomore year on campus I founded the student investment organization (hence the foreshadowing from my childhood) and was founder and president for a while.

Interviewer:  Tell us a bit about your journey – how it initiated from conception to present.

Tre: It all started by flying out to NYFW (New York Fashion Week) in support of my friends who were on the runway. Opportunities from that one trip blossomed in so many ways, it peaked my interest and I sought after it by combining my creativity and fashion all into one, finally finding the perfect outlet to express my emotions and tell stories within my designs of fashion. I was never the best at drawing or painting but creating and having a vision came with ease. 

Since I was a kid I’ve always had a fascination with butterflies, but I’d never vocalize it in fear of the scrutiny that would come behind it. It was always deemed a feminine thing and I hung out with a lot of tough ruts so that was a big no no. After learning about the butterfly effect which means ‘a small gesture or action in the present that can generate significant results in the future.’ I felt like I could repurpose it into a way that it can be more universal and appeal to anyone.  Now I have some of the toughest people I’ve ever met wearing my clothing so in some way I feel like I accomplish a piece of that goal.

Interviewer:  Are you currently living in San Antonio?
I currently reside here in San Antonio! 

Interviewer:  What is the next step? 

Tre: My next step from here is to continue to create and express myself through the messages and stories that I tell within my clothing.  There’s deeper meaning behind every piece I release. I’ve been fortunate enough to have my release in NYC, during Fashion Week. Look out for the release on September 16th, 2020!

Interviewer: Where can people find your items? 

Tre: You can find my items at www.Monxark.com beginning on my release date, September 16th and also connect with me on instagram @monxark. (Any young creatives looking for an outlet to express yourself my DM’s are open). 

Interviewer: You say your grunge style helps empowerment, could you please explain more?  

Tre: I feel as though the grunge style is the most expressive way to voice how you’re feeling through fashion, the things we wear each day says a lot about our mindset and how we feel. To me grunge style is based off of raw emotion that you project through your outfits. If you have a teenager or close friend wearing black all the time it’s probably a good time check up on them. The things we wear says a lot about us and it can be your way of communicating when you’re not very vocal. 

Interviewer:  What is your message to the world today? What do you hope that your brand contributes to society socially? 

Tre: My message is to be yourself, express yourself, and stay on top of your mental health! Especially during this time of crisis. 
Use this free time to nurture your talents and unlock your hidden ones. Don’t be afraid to try new things because the smallest decision you make now can have a huge impact on your future! 

Through my brand, I hope to challenge society to be okay with expressing themselves rather than being conformed to social constructs, and break boundaries! I’ll continue to tell stories and express emotions through my clothing and I hope that I can spark a mind or two to do the same! -end-

You may find Tre’s brand at www.Monxark.com on September 16 when the clothing line is released. 

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