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Lies: What the Police Union is Claiming

          As we approach the election in May, for the battle over Proposition B, a vote that if passed will decertify the San Antonio Police Officer’s Association (SAPOA) contract, numerous lies have been spread by the association to confuse the public. One of the main falsehoods they are trying to sell is that in the city of Dallas, which does not allow the police union to operate under Chapter 174, that many police officers are quitting and this might here, but this argument ignores the fact of why they are leaving.  At black lives matter protests police fired chemical bullets during peaceful actions and should be held accountable for their abusive behavior. This irresponsible behavior came from the Dallas police chief and higher-ups in the ranks as well. Without Chapter 174 they can be held accountable for violating the civil and human rights of non-violent protestors as well as abusive and racist acts against the public. This is the real reason why they are leaving. Police who engage in abusive acts should leave, be fired, and stay fired. Any collective bargaining contract that allows abuse should be changed or voted out.

          Another hogwash comment consists of claiming that officers will lose their jobs if we pass Proposition B. SAPOA does not bother to tell the truth in this matter and has a slew of other outright lies they are campaigning on. Another lie they are telling is that the movement to hold police accountable is a movement to “abolish” the police. No one in this century can be serious about that, as we all need to good officers to help keep the peace and keep neighborhoods safe. SAPOA makes this false “abolish” claim in desperation, as they do not want to rid San Antonio of the numerous criminal cops that make our city unsafe. If they were being honest they would end their 180 statute of limitations to get rid of criminal officers, end their policy of hiding past abusive behavior, end paying them for their divorces and battered wife charges, end the excessive 48 hour rule that allows them extra time to prepare their defense of abuse, end allowing arbitrators from out of town to decide cases in terms of racist officers, end a sabotage of the civilian process that allows them to simply refuse to show up and address the complaint made against them, end protections of cops that commit human rights violations (the cop that tried to fed a dog shit sandwich to a homeless man), and end shooting unarmed suspects in the back, knees to the neck, and a dozen other crimes. They are lying when they claim we are not like other cities.

          SAPOA has no intention of changing anything despite the fact that tens of thousands of citizens oppose their horrible policies. Religious leaders, community activists, residents, and those seeking accountability, know how important it is to remove bad cops, especially those of us who have police officers in our family. These bad cops are making it dangerous for those that want to do right. Good officers have filed complaints on the bad ones and have risked being harassed by back the blue vigilantes. In fact, there are officers who are part of extremist groups but they are not being properly vetted for racist beliefs and associations. Black police officers have been harassed and called the “N” word by white supremacist officers in SAPD as well. Since the police association has decided to ignore their wrongdoings they must pay for it during the election.

Mario Salas
Mario Salashttps://www.saobserver.com/
Professor Mario Marcel Salas is a retired Assistant Professor of Political Science, having taught Texas Politics, Federal Politics, Political History, the Politics of Mexico, African American Studies, Civil Rights, and International Conflicts. He has served as a City Councilman for the City of San Antonio, and was very active in the Civil Rights Movement in SNCC for many years. He is also a life time member of the San Antonio NAACP. He has authored several editorials, op-eds, and writings.

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