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Care giving adults can strengthen young people’s lives

Care giving adults can strengthen social and emotional development in young people’s lives. The City of San Antonio’s Project Worth website’s mission and vision statement promote the health and well-being of our youth in San Antonio.

As a parent, guardian, or leader who wants the best for the young adults in your life, seeing them struggle with issues or make poor choices is one of the hardest things to witness. On the one hand, you may have some influence to help them, on the other, you cannot make life decisions for them.

It’s so hard to fear losing connection with your children or the important young people in your life due to not knowing how to relate and connect and that is where Project Worth comes in.

Project Worth Mission

“Promoting the health and well-being of children and teens in San Antonio through education, collaboration, and empowerment”

Project Worth Vision

“All young people in our city are healthy, happy, and successful”

How can you get involved?

Step 1. Visit www.sanantonio.gov/ProjectWorth

Step 2. Open the “Let’s Talk” resource and learn how you can strengthen social and emotional development with youth in your life


  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Health Relationships
  • Responsible Decision Making

This resource is available and open to access to anyone, please visit Project Worth to see the benefits it can bring to your life and the lives of others.

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