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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Federal Judge Blocks Key Provisions of Texas SB1 Voting Law Ahead of Presidential Election

The Importance of Justice in Addressing Voter Suppression Tactics

With the countdown to Election Day rapidly approaching, we must take note as to how the wheels of Justice play a significant role in addressing voter suppression tactics, as well as to the work being done, by a variety of both civic and community based organizations to address these same issues. 

On last Friday, certain provisions of Texas’ SB1, the sweeping 2021 voting law that restricted voter assistance, were found to violate the Voting Rights Act and cannot be enforced, ruled a federal judge in Texas. 

Provisions Struck Down by U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez

Among the rules struck down, by U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez, was a “ban on compensation for anyone who assists a voter” and “a requirement for anyone who assists a voter to sign an oath under penalty of perjury that the voter qualifies to receive help.” 

Implications for Voters with Disabilities and Literacy Limitations

News reports show Rodriguez also blocked provisions “that require assisters to make certain disclosures about their relationship to the voter they are helping” and a provision that “restricts voter assistance given during door-to-door operations.” Rodriguez based his decision on the section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that guarantees voters with disabilities or literacy limitations to receive assistance from whoever they choose. 

Impact of the Ruling on Voter Assistance and Forms

“This ruling will be most impactful for voters with disabilities, voters who have limited English proficiency, voters with literacy issues and the people who assist them,” said Seam Morales – Doyle, voting rights program director at the Brennan Center for Justice. 

In spite of the judge’s having blocked any type of prosecution under these provisions, the rules and instructions on forms requiring the signing of an oath, are “technically still in place” for the upcoming November 5th presidential election, because it is reportedly too close to the election to change the forms themselves.  

The uptick in voter registration activities, historically, has not led to increases in voter participation and turnout. It appears that there’s different results on the horizon. 

Community Organizations Working to Galvanize Voter Participation

The signs of changes come from the work of multiple local, regional and national organizations calling on more voters to become galvanized, providing civic forums, which stress the importance and value of their knowledge of What’s On the Ballot, what is the function of the offices being contested and where do candidates stand, on issues important to voters and their communities.

Voter Education Targeting Young and Senior Voters

Local voter education efforts have been aimed at young voters, described as “most moveable”, per their concerns about climate change, reproductive rights, access to guns and relief – as it relates to the educational burden they’re enduring with student loans; 
Senior citizens, who are concerned about access to the ballot, medical insurance and cost of prescriptions.

Recognizing the Efforts of Civic Organizations

We recognize such groups, as The Power of One, Black Independent Voters Association, LULAC, The League of Women Voters, The Brennan Center for Justice, NAACP, MALDEF, Common Cause, ACLU, VoteVets, VoteBeat and countless others, who are determined to make sure more voters get accurate information on the issues and on the positive impact an increase, in turnout, will have in this election and for the survival of democracy, as we know it! 

Take an Interest, in casting your vote, 
Use your Influence, among family and friends, 
Help make an Impact, in the world for Democracy! 

Gordon Benjamin
Gordon Benjaminhttp://www.saobserver.com
Gordon Benjamin is a Community Activist, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Member and Voter’s Rights advocate who is passionate about democracy.

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