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Brett Favre — SiriusXM Suspends Retired NFL Quarterback’s Weekly Show In Light Of Welfare Fraud Scandal In Mississippi, Favre Accused Of Embezzling Millions To Build A Volleyball Stadium 

It looks like Brett Favre is suffering professionally as a result of allegations that he embezzled millions from the poorest state in the nation.

The retired NFL quarterback — now referred to as a “welfare queen” on social media — has been hosting The SiriusXM Blitz With Brett Favre and Bruce Murray since 2018. Its latest episode aired on September 13, and the series has since been put on hold as a result of a civil lawsuit filed by the Mississippi Department of Human Services accusing Brett Favre, along with three former wrestlers and businesses, of “squandering” more than $20 million from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.

Brett Favre, who has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, allegedly conspired with then Mississippi governor Phil Bryant, former MDHS executive director John Davis and Nancy New to divert money from the welfare program to pay for a volleyball stadium at the University of Southern Mississippi. The move came two years after the state had already spent millions of dollars in welfare money on a university volleyball arena in Favre’s favor.

In a May 30, 2019, text message, Nancy New told Brett Favre she was in a meeting with Mississippi State Department of Human Services John Davis. She said Davis told her MDHS could help cover the remaining $1.8 million for the volleyball stadium.

The texts show that Nancy New had hoped both John Davis and then-Gov. Phil Bryant would be able to help get the remaining welfare money to build the volleyball stadium.

But Bryant was about to change the course of her life.

Phil Bryant is said to have texted with Favre in 2019 regarding his plans to build a volley practice facility indoors at USM. The then-governor reportedly informed Favre that federal funding for children and low-income adults is tightly supervised and that improper usage could result in a federal violation.

“I need your influence somehow to get donations and or sponsorships. Obviously Southern has no money so I’m hustling to get it raised.”

In response, Bryant reportedly said, “Of course I am all in on the Volleyball facility. … One thing I know how to do is raise money.’”

The governor was willing to assist Favre in raising private funds for the volleyball facility beginning in 2017 but was reportedly unaware for more than two years that welfare money was being used for the project.

Before joining the NFL in 1991, Favre played football at USM, where his daughter is currently a volleyball player. Bryant and New are also alumni of the university.

Favre’s weekly appearances on ESPN Milwaukee have also been suspended following the allegations. Neither he nor Bryant are currently facing criminal charges.

Article by: ShaCamree Gowdy

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