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Facts Hurt- ‘Bringing The Raw Facts To My Readers Has One Very Upset’

The Truths of Texas Education Do Hurt, Addressing a Concerned Reader

Hello SAISD Parents and Eastside Community,

This week I want to clarify that when I put my pen to paper, what I am writing is not based on opinions but the truth and facts about what is currently going on in Austin and our Texas Education system. If you take the time to read my column I appreciate you and it is my job every week to bring you factual information.

If anyone is offended by the reality of our truth about what’s going on in our Texas Educational System, then by all means, take it up with the politicians in Austin (believe me I need your help!). I spend endless hours listening, asking questions, and confirming with other advocates state-wide about all House and Senate Education bills currently in our 88th legislation. So, this week when I received an email from a reader (pictured) they first assumed that I was a product of public education because they felt I am “biased,” which is not valid. If they think this way, they are not reading my column every week because I write about the cold hard facts about how our educational system is filled with too many negative consequences for our schools, teachers, and parents and most importantly our children.

I’m not in any way ‘denying parents the choice they deserve’ that is suggested by this reader.  It is offensive to me because I have never made that kind of statement or eluded to any of the sort. I give parents the facts about what is going on with our educational laws and how they could affect their schools and children. I work with kids of all ages every single day- tutoring them, motivating them and filling the gaps they need filled that our educational system is not focusing on.  Many write to me from the military or their new career, we keep it touch on their successes and that keeps me going. To say ‘I am not being fair to all of our children of every ethnicity’, that also is not what I do; that’s what our politicians are doing.

Stating that the teachers union is denying our parents because we want the “same old crap,” felt like a slap in the face to all of our teachers. If the teachers union and myself only wanted ‘the same old crap’, then our teachers’ jobs would not even need a union. Being a teacher has changed because today, our teacher’s jobs have become one that brings political issues into their classrooms, so in an effort to save their jobs, they have to join a union. More about myself, I am NOT a “product of both private and public education,” so if you feel one is better than the other, know that’s your opinion, but hey maybe you got lucky. Because the truth is that private schools in Texas aren’t accountable to TEA, nor do they have to hire certified teachers. All private schools are considered Independent due to the fact they are given the freedom or right to operate outside government and local government control. The truth is that private schools are allowed too many freedoms and lack accountability to the TEA. How do we know what type of education is best for our children? Is it the one where they have more freedom and pay tuition, or is it the public school where we are already paying tuition with our tax dollars?

That ‘same old crap’ the reader refers to is not available anymore as the TEA has made our teachers and children follow an ideology that changes yearly. The truth is that Texas denies all of our children, teachers, and parents the right to attend a school that ensures  it’s safe or allows teachers the ability to teach with the resources they need, and lastly, the respect they deserve. 

Every week I write with the facts and truths that aren’t always given to our parents and teachers. Lastly, if I am guilty of anything, it’s the fact that I write with the truth and facts, so if this is a crime, then let me know. Parents, we all have opinions but if you want the truth then know I will be here every week.

If anyone has any questions or concerns that I can help you with please email me at lena.lopez@saobserver.com.

Have a Blessed Week,

Lena Lopez

Lena Lopez
Lena Lopezhttps://saobserver.com/
Lena Lopez is a long time community member, parent and teacher to every student or parent who needs help navigating public education. Lena is known to have 4-5 kids a day who are in need of extra help and she always raises her hand to volunteer. Lena’s dedicated to attending all legislative sessions to keep the community up to date on public education.

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