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Business Spotlight: Brianna Doe and Her New Agency Verbatim

Business Spotlight: Brianna Doe and Her New Agency: Verbatim

In the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, Black women have emerged as the fastest-growing group of business owners in the United States. This week’s business spotlight shines on Brianna Doe, a remarkable entrepreneur who transformed her side hustle into a thriving business, Verbatim Marketing Agency.

Brianna Doe’s journey into entrepreneurship was catalyzed by her experiences in the corporate world, where she served as a marketing director at a fintech startup. Despite her high-ranking position, Doe found herself trapped in a relentless cycle of burnout. “I was deeply unhappy and couldn’t understand why,” recalls Doe, reflecting on her struggle to thrive in a corporate environment.

The turning point came in July 2023 when Doe started working with a career coach. It was during these sessions that she realized her dissatisfaction wasn’t with her job per se, but with the corporate system itself. “I was scared of failing and losing the stability of a monthly paycheck,” says Doe. “But it was exhausting trying to fit into a system that’s just not built for me.”

Doe had been a marketing consultant on the side since 2011, but she hadn’t considered it as a full-time career until her career coach encouraged her to take the entrepreneurial leap. The decision became more urgent when she was laid off from her startup job in September 2023, just days before she planned to resign. This unexpected twist pushed Doe to launch Verbatim in October 2023, alongside her co-founder, Alexis Rivera Scott. With Doe working from Phoenix and Rivera Scott from Boise, Verbatim offers remote marketing services tailored to meet diverse client needs.

The transition from corporate employee to business owner has been transformative for Doe. “Working for myself and creating a more fulfilling, supportive space has been incredibly healing,” she shares. “I didn’t realize how much workplace trauma I had accumulated until I left that system entirely.”

Verbatim has quickly gained traction, reflecting the broader trend of increasing Black women entrepreneurship. According to research from GoDaddy, Black women-owned businesses were on the rise even before the pandemic, with a notable 20% increase between 2017 and 2020, outpacing the growth of both women-owned and Black-owned businesses overall. This surge signifies a growing self-belief among Black women, who are recognizing their limitless potential.

Doe’s story is a testament to the resilience and innovation of Black women entrepreneurs. Her journey from burnout to business success exemplifies the power of pursuing one’s passion and creating spaces where one can truly thrive. As Verbatim continues to grow, Doe’s experience serves as an inspiration for others considering the entrepreneurial path.

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