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Brittney Griner Sentenced to 9 Years in Russian Prison on Drug Possession Charges

The White House, meanwhile, has said they are working on a potential prisoner exchange with Russia to bring Griner and another American imprisoned in the country back to the U.S.

WNBA star Brittney Griner has been sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison, on charges of smuggling drugs into the country. 

Griner’s lawyers said the verdict, just below the maximum sentence of 10 years, “absolutely unreasonable” and said they will “certainly file an appeal,” The New York Times reported. 

A Russian judge read Griner, 31, her verdict Thursday about an hour after her lawyers and the prosecution presented their closing arguments. The Phoenix Mercury star had given an emotional speech, reiterating her stance that though she pled guilty to bringing less than 1 gram of cannabis oil into Russia, she did so “inadvertently” and asked the court for leniency. 

“That’s why I pled guilty to my charges. I understand everything that’s been said against me, the charges that are against me and that is why I pled guilty but I had no intents to break any Russian laws,” Griner said, according to CNN.

Russian prosecutors had asked the judge during closing arguments to sentence Griner to nine years and six months in prison, just below the maximum allowed sentence of 10 years. The prosecution also asked that Griner was fined 1 million rubles, roughly equivalent to $16,600, according to The New York Times

As the Russian court ruled on Griner’s case, the Biden administration is still working on a striking a deal with Russian officials to bring Griner and Paul Whelan, another American imprisoned in the country, home.

Last Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the Biden administration offered a “substantial” deal to Russia to secure the pair’s release, a White House confirmed to PEOPLE.


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