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Black Lives Matter is Supported in All Communities

Mario Salas

According to the Black Lives Matter Global Network, “Our fight for liberty, justice, and freedom continues. Together, we can — and will — transform. This is the revolution. Change is coming.” Additionally, “Black Lives Matter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.”

We must counter the fake conservative news, ideology, and efforts made by racist elements in our society. One of the main attacks on the movement are attempts to cover-up the violence of police, that use their association contracts to conceal the crimes of officers that should be fired or indicted for criminal behavior. Using ignorant, but calculated psychological verbal operations, the use of the phrase “All Lives Matter” was an attempt to rebut the importance of the fact that black lives never mattered in this white supremacist society and white lives always mattered. Of course all lives matter, but when the slogan is used to diminish black lives it becomes a racist verbal tool to ignore the fact that in the United States black lives never mattered.Wanted Police Assist

The Black Lives Matter movement has caught the support of people in the Mexican American community, the Native American Community, the Asian Community, and amongst the anti-racist white community. The black and brown community came together to support the Native American community in removing the statue of Christopher Columbus, a racist killer of Indigenous People, at Columbus Park. Members of the misnamed Texas Freedom Force (TFF), the same ones that pretended to “protect the Alamo,” were at Columbus Park fully armed in a show of false bluster to protect another racist monument. Their approach will be for naught as the city council is poised to remove it. There is no doubt that the Alamo Cenotaph and the Columbus statues are symbols of white supremacy, yet the TFF denies such by claiming an old racist interpretation of history.

Their ignorance of history is central to their false beliefs.

Recently, a sign appeared on Face Book that called for 100 to 200 armed vigilantes to meet at a business named Alamo Sign Solutions, on San Marcos Street, with the apparent approval of James Alfaro, the president of this company. Citizens are calling for businesses that use their services to cut their relationship with them for allowing a mob of de-facto racists to have a meeting at their place of business. The poster in question called for these vigilantes to protect SAPD officers “during riots” when there has been no “riots.” The poster is a racist call sheet which has been rejected by the police department, and when the police visited them to remove the department’s name they were cursed out, an indication that the owner is hooked up with a racist mob.  


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