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Texas House Defeats Voucher Scam

AUSTIN, TX — Today, the Texas House of Representatives in a bipartisan 84 to 63 vote defeated Governor Abbott’s voucher scam that would defund our public schools to subsidize private education for the wealthy few. 

Representatives Martinez Fischer, Talarico, and Hinojosa released the following statement:

“The People’s House has spoken. A bipartisan majority in the Texas House with unanimous Democratic support has defeated Governor Abbott’s voucher scam.

As if it wasn’t clear before, the Governor can no longer deny reality: Texans do not want voucher scams. Governor Abbott and his billionaire mega-donors have miscalculated the will of the people. 

We now call on Governor Abbott to support a clean school finance bill — one that fully funds our schools, gives our teachers the pay raise they deserve, and actually helps our kids.”

Texas House Democratic Caucus

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