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We Need a Strong City Council-Some Seats Need a Replacement

Filing for San Antonio May Elections is Open, San Antonio Needs a Strong City Council

Filing for San Antonio’s May elections opened on the 18th.  It is very important to have people on the City Council who will represent us with competence and integrity.  Lately, some districts are not feeling led with basic leadership skills.  Government starts at the local level and although San Antonio’s history shows that we usually have about 15% of residents voting- this election cycle is one we hope can top previous turnouts with a strong polling in May.

As reported last week, D7 Councilwoman Ana Sandoval announced that she will not be completing her council term, which has 3 months left before elections in May. Sandoval has accepted a research position at University Health System (UHS) beginning at the end of January. District 7 is not the only council seat up for reconsideration this spring, they all are, but we definitely see the need for a stronger rep in a few seats.  San Antonio’s city council has been a bit embroiled in soap-operish dramatics.

Councilman Bravo aired the truth about the ‘alliance’ Sandoval supposedly broke between them when she voted on surplus funds not in alignment with his vote.  After Bravo disrespectfully yelled his truths to Sandoval, in a public session, Sandoval broke down in tears (while in her leadership chair). Council then voted a ‘no confidence’ vote in Bravo after the battle-of-the-exes showdown.

Meanwhile District 10’s Councilman Perry is the man partying it up to the point where he was arrested on a driving while intoxicated charge in connection with a hit-and-run collision that occurred on Nov. 6.  Any member of the community who votes for Perry is not looking for a leader. Perry is a pretty sure ‘NO’ when it comes to re-election if we all bring our common sense to the polls.

If the community sees the council dramatics upfront, we can only imagine what may be happening behind closed doors. Voting for a council that is, at the least, law abiding professionals who have the ability to lead and follow through with the terms they asked for seems like a reasonable requirement of the community. The responsibilities the position comes with are fundamental needs for our council to possess in all districts that promote community wellness, happiness, opportunity and so much more.

Filing is open now through February 17th.  We will be updating the community as we learn who will be running for election and re-election in your district.  To see our current council leadership at a glance, cash on hand, council highlights and spring election hot dates see below:

San Antonio Mayor and City Council

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